Tips To Fix Car Scratches

A scratch on the paint of your car is not necessarily caused by vandals. Accidents can happen and you can be faced with a long, irregular line across your car door. Scratches damage paint and look downright ugly. You want to fix things before you sell your car, and here are some ways that you can go about the job.

Baby Scratching Car

1. Clean Off the Scratched Area of Your Car. This gives you a better idea of just how extensive the scratch is on the paint surface. You can do this with soap and water, and dry off the area with a soft cloth.

2. Try The Home Remedies. This can come as a pleasant surprise but there are products around the house which you can use to take care of car scratches:

  • Toothpaste. The ingredients of regular toothpaste can be used for small scratches. You would buff the area with toothpaste and then wipe it off;
  • Candle Wax. This will effectively cover up the tiny scratches. By rubbing soft wax on the scratch area, you will be able to cover and seal the scrape;
  • Shoe Polish. This should be a color which contrasts with that of your car. The polish is used to identify the scratch and you can then use sand paper to remove it;
  • Nail Polish. This is an excellent way to cover a scratch when sanding is not effective. There are many nail polish colors and you should be able to find a color which is the same as, or close to, that of the paint on your car.

3. Use A Rubbing Compound. There are rubbing compounds available to cover car scratches. You would apply it after you have done the sanding. The compound is spread over the surface, particularly whether may be any scrapes left from the sanding work. The compound is then polished for a few seconds with a buffer at a lower speed, and then increased in speed to smooth out the compound.

4. Use the Right Car Paint. Check the owner’s manual and see if there is a factory paint for your car. You then purchase that color, and go to an arts supply store and purchase a small artist paint brush. Check to be sure that color matches that are car by doing a small brushstroke on an inconspicuous part of automobile. Make sure the area of the scratch is clean and free of grease. Once you send the surface, in the area once again with alcohol and then apply the paint carefully.

5. Do Not Forget the Final Chores. Even if you have finished the job of hiding or removing the scratch, you still are fully done. The area ought to be checked the next day and then you need to do a wax job. Hot carnauba car wax is the best because it will complete the disguise of the damaged area. The best way to apply is to use a buffer.

The preparation work is perhaps the most important part of the whole job. Car Scratches You have to be sure that it is dirt free, and you can use a grease remover purchased from the local auto parts store. The work should be done in a covered area so that no dirt or debris flows onto the repaired area. If everything goes well the scratch problem will be effectively removed and no one will be able to tell where that streaking line once was.

The best news for you as a consumer is that this is very much a do-it-yourself job. You can do this over the weekend without any problem. One challenge may be how deep the scratch is. The same is true for the length of it. A serious scratch may require more professional work. You can check out on Yelp where the more reputable car detailer can be found. By all means use an ethical shop.

A scratch will probably not have any negative effect on how your car performs. The bad side may come in what might happen to look of the car. Long scratches detract from the quality of the paint. There’s also the possibility that rust could develop along the scratch. If you are looking to sell the car it is a good idea to get rid of any of those scrapes and scratches on the paint. You want your car to look it’s very best when you put a For Sale sign on it.